After Shark Tank, what happened to "Peanut Butter Pump"?


After Shark Tank, what happened to “Peanut Butter Pump”?


The New York Daily News once said that Americans will eat “2,984 PB&J sandwiches in their lifetime,” but all that nutty goodness might not be easy to eat. Putting aside the taste of the jelly and what goes on top, peanut butter can make a sticky mess. From the knife itself to how hard it is to get the bottom of the jar clean, it could drive some people crazy. Luckily, someone came up with a simple and clever solution.

The Peanut Butter Pump was made by Andy Scherer, who is known as “The Nutty Inventor.” This thing fits inside a jar of peanut butter and gives out peanut butter with each push. It works with both smooth and crunchy peanut butter, as well as other kinds of nut butter, according to the website.

After Shark Tank, what happened to "Peanut Butter Pump"?

The designed item has a tight seal, is easy to clean, and seems to make sure that every last bit of spread can go from the jar to a sandwich, recipe, or wherever else people want. The product went to “Shark Tank” because it was so obvious that someone should have thought of it before. Even though this idea for a kitchen tool might be a dream come true for peanut butter lovers, was the money the sharks put into it worth the squeeze?

Did Peanut Butter Pump get the sharks to agree to a deal?

A lot of inventors go on “Shark Tank” in the hopes of becoming the next “Scrub Daddy.” Even if the most creative ideas make it on the show, that doesn’t mean they’ll get money. Shark Tank Recap says that Peanut Butter Pump was on Season 11. Andy Scherer asked for $200,000 in exchange for 15% of a company that could change the way peanut butter is spread forever.

Even though this thing can be used for different things, the sharks were very worried about one thing: they couldn’t buy it. It was only a test run.

After Shark Tank, what happened to "Peanut Butter Pump"?

Even though Scherer raised more than $150,000 through the crowdfunding website IndieGogo, the product has never been made in large quantities or tried out by customers. Even though Food Network agreed that it was useful for peanut butter sandwiches, praise doesn’t make money or make something useful in the real world.

Without any real feedback, the sharks quickly turned their backs on this idea. The Peanut Butter Pump didn’t get a deal because it was too big and didn’t make good use of space. It was also just an unnecessary kitchen tool. Scherer didn’t seem to be able to get people excited about his product.

Is Peanut Butter Pump still dispensing its nutty goodness?

Andy Scherer’s Peanut Butter Pump idea did not get picked up by the sharks, but the product can still be found online. The brand has a website, but the item is “sold out” at the moment. Also, the product description mentions March 2020, which makes it hard to believe that the product will be available.

Is Peanut Butter Pump still dispensing its nutty goodness?

The brand’s Indiegogo page had a recent update from August 2022, which is better news. It looks like samples of the product were sent, and more changes will be made to the way it is made.

Scherer wrote, “I still haven’t reached the goal of delivering, but compared to where the campaign began, it’s much closer.” There is no exact date for when the book will be available. Considering that the campaign started in 2019, this seems like a slow process.

People had different thoughts about the most recent update. Some people are worried that the product will never get to market, while others are crossing their fingers that they will soon be making their favorite brand of peanut butter.

Even if this kitchen tool doesn’t become the next Ginzu knife, peanut butter companies may have already found a way to solve the problem of what to do with the jars. With so many containers that you can squeeze, you might not need the Peanut Butter Pump.

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