In the first part of Episode 8 of “The Forbidden Marriage,” So-rang stops the King from kissing her. She asks if it’s love or if he still thinks she’s the dead Crown Princess. He hesitates, and she leaves, saying that she doesn’t want him if he’s not sincere.
We finally see what happened when she met the Grand Queen Mother. The old matriarch sees her as a problem when it comes to choosing the bride, but she gives her a chance to help. So-rang remembers the meeting and wonders where she fit in. Shin-won sees her and tells her he likes her in a roundabout way.
At Aedaldang, Hae-young thinks about the King, who saved her, and how she fell in love with him the moment she saw him. Painter Jeong and Chun-seok look sad as they try to figure out what she is thinking. Gwang Yi comes up to her and tells her in a strange way to be nice to Chun-seok.
The King’s Love and the Doppelganger’s Earring
Shin-won tries to buy a precious stone somewhere else under the guise of looking for the doppelganger’s missing earring. The seller tricks him into buying a wedding ring that would make any woman fall in love with him. He finds out that Lady Seo bought the earrings, so he sends his men to look through her house. Chun-seok thinks it’s strange that the women don’t have any jewellery, but he sees a hidden drawer full of jewellery. Seo gets him in a corner and gives him a jade pendant for Hae-young as a bribe.
The King is busy with the investigation, but he can’t stop thinking about what So-rang said about being honest. At dinner, he asks So-rang to try out his food and eat with him, which she does reluctantly. When she puts him to bed, he tries to talk to her, but she tells him to be quiet. He keeps looking at her and smiles when he sees that she has fallen asleep while sitting. She falls into his arms, and as he keeps thinking about what she said, he realises that she has always cared about him.
When the King wakes up in the morning, So-rang is still sleeping next to him. He just has to smile. He leaves and tells his people to be quiet. Eunuch Se-jang sees that the King is glowing and thinks he slept with So-rang. Everyone keeps being amazed by how beautiful the King is while a CGI glow shines around him. Minister Sul-rok asks the King why he is so happy, and the King says, “I’m in love.” But he says he doesn’t know how to say sorry. The best strategist in the country, Sul-rok, tells him he will help him make a plan.
When So-rang wakes up, she can’t believe the King let her sleep in his bed. She sees Shin-won waiting for her outside his room when she leaves. He gives her something to eat and asks her if she wants to leave the palace now that she has served her purpose. He also offers to keep the people who want to kill her away. She thinks about it and then tells the Grand Queen Mother what she’s going to do.
Leaving Court: The King’s Confession and So-rang’s Decision
Chun-seok and his men find the other girls and set them free in the mountain. The man who killed the queen, Sang-ju, runs to Minister Jo for help, but he tells him he has no power now.
While walking, Court Lady Won points out how happy the King is to So-rang and she wonders why he was gloomy previously. He goes up to So-rang and tells her that he wants to confess to her at Onyang Palace, so she should come with him. She tries to say no, but he keeps making excuses until she gives up and says yes. The King is worried because he can see that she is forcing herself to be by his side.
Lady Seo is mad at Shin-won, so she tells Minister Jo to kill Shin-won first. When he says no, she makes fun of him by telling him that Shin-won was the reason he failed. Jo tells her that Shin-won is going to the temporary palace with the King, and Seo suggests that this is a good time to kill him.
Sul-rok keeps suggesting that the King confess using flowers and poetry, but the King isn’t sure. At that moment, Eunuch Se-jang brings him the list of palace ladies who are leaving court and tells him that So-rang is also on it.
While she is packing, the King walks into her room and talks to her. He asks her why she wants to leave, but she doesn’t tell him. When he tells her to stay a little longer, she gets angry.
He can’t relax on his way to Onyang because he keeps thinking about So-rang leaving. He says that he wanted to tell the truth in the flower field where he used to play as a child. He starts pulling out the weeds like a spoiled child. Sul-rok doesn’t give up and brings more flowers. He tells him to tell So-rang how he really feels. He’s also sure that the King isn’t the reason she wants to leave, which makes him feel hopeful. The King tells them to plant all the new flowers and then goes to find So-rang.
Shin-won and So-rang go for a walk, and she tells him she wants to leave the palace because she doesn’t fit in. He tells her that he has also quit and will leave when Onyang does. She gives him a hug and says she’s sorry, but Shin-won just smiles. Shin-won leaves looking sad as the King comes out.
The King’s Confession and Shin-won’s Farewell
The King asks her if she is leaving because of him or Shin-won. She cries and says that it’s hard for her because he’s not really in love with her. He, too, is crying, and he chooses that moment to tell the truth. So-rang is happy because they kiss. He takes her to a flower field and tells her about the first plan he had to confess. As fireworks go off, they hug.
Still uncomfortable in bed, the King tells her to just lie down with him. She asks him when he fell in love with her, and he tells her that it was when she was sleeping and he could see her clearly. She also says she fell in love with him while he was sleeping.
Shin-won tells Chun-Seok goodbye outside, and when Shin-won asks about the investigation and Lady Seo, Chun-Seok lies. Shin-won pulls out the ring he wants to give So-rang, and Chun-Seok becomes very unhappy. At that moment, a poison-tipped needle is used to stab someone. Shin-won is shocked, and Chun-Seok watches. In the flashback, Chun-Seok turns down Lady Seo’s offer of a bribe at first. Then she makes him afraid of Hae-young.
Chun-Seok, however, stepped in and took the needle. He thanks Shin-won for treating him like a brother right before he dies. He feels bad that he didn’t give Hae-young the pendant, so he asks Shin-won to leave him and go after the killers. But Shin-won is stabbed in the arm before he can tell the King. When he calls out, the King comes out to see what’s going on. He finds Shin-won, who says sorry for betraying him as a friend and a subject.
But the wound doesn’t kill him, so he lives. He goes to Aedaldang and gives Hae-young Chun-necklace. seok’s This makes Hae-young cry. He then leaves the palace and the ring he bought for So-rang. He runs into her, and while she’s crying, he tells her that they shouldn’t be friends because it’s dangerous for her. She tries to stop him and sees that his arm has turned black where it was hurt. The King also shows up, but he can’t stop Shin-won from leaving.
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Final Words
In Episode 8 of “The Forbidden Marriage,” So-rang stops the King from kissing her. Shin-won sees her and tells her he likes her in a roundabout way. Hae-young thinks about the King, who saved her, and how she fell in love with him. Eunuch Se-Jang sees that the King is glowing and thinks he slept with her. The King says he’s in love but doesn’t know how to say sorry to his people.
So-rang tells Shin-won that she wants to leave the palace because she doesn’t fit in. Eunuch Se-Jang brings him the list of palace ladies who are leaving court and says So-rang is on it. Sul-rok suggests that the King confesses using flowers and poetry, but the King isn’t sure. Shin-won pulls out the ring he wants to give. So-rang, and watches as someone is stabbed with a poison-tipped needle. The wound doesn’t kill him, so he lives and gives Hae-young Chun-necklace instead.