The second season of the South Korean action-thriller drama “Taxi Driver” will be shown on SBS from February 17 to April 8, 2023. The show will air on Friday and Saturday nights, and each episode will be 1 hour and 10 minutes long. The drama is based on a webtoon and tells the story of a taxi driver who wants to get back at people who have hurt him in the past. The show is rated 18+ because it shows violence and bad language and has themes of investigation and suspense.
Taxi Driver 2 Episode 2 Release Date
Taxi Driver season 2 episode 2 will come out on February 17, 2023. It will have 16 episodes like the first season and air on SBS at 10 pm KST. Lee Je Hoon, Kim Eui Sung, and Pyo Ye Jin will be the main actors. Jang Hyuk Jin and Bae Yoo Ram, who work in transportation, will finish the Rainbow taxi group.
Where to Watch Taxi Driver Season 2 Episode 2?
“Taxi Driver” can be streamed right now on fuboTV, the Showtime Amazon Channel, the Showtime Roku Premium Channel, Showtime, and Paramount+ Showtime.
Taxi Driver Season 2 Trailer
The Plot of Taxi Driver Season 2
In the first season of Taxi Driver, Jang Sung Chul (Kim Eui Sung), who was in charge of Rainbow Taxi, started punishing criminals in his own way. Those who couldn’t get justice through the system were also helped by him. Kim Do Gi (Lee Je Hoon), the main member, and his assistants, Ahn Go Eun, Park Jin Eon, and Choi Kyung Goo, started looking for criminals while trying to avoid Kang Ha Na. Jang Sung Chul was betrayed after he met Baek Sung Mi, but Kim Do Gi caught her and gave her to the police after she was found guilty of terrible crimes. But the team got back together when Kang Ha Na joined near the end of the first season.
SBS has released a teaser for the second season of Taxi Driver, which looks like it will take place in Vietnam. The teaser shows more of the usual adventures from the first season. Kim Do Gi is going after criminals and shutting down the businesses they run that are against the law. Ahn Go Eun became a police officer at the end of the first season and will help them from the other side of the law. Even though the teaser was short and didn’t show a lot, what it did show looked interesting.
Even though Kang Ha Na didn’t say they were vigilantes in the first season, Jang Sung Chul is arrested in the teaser, which means they will have a new law enforcement enemy. In another scene, the drama shows a different side of Kim Do Gi, maybe the person he was when he was in the Special Forces.
The Cast of Taxi Driver Season 2
Since the first season was mostly about a few characters, almost all of the main characters will be back for the second season. This time, Lee Je Hoon will play Kim Do Gi again. He will kill enemies left and right while taking on the best look for the situation. The actor became known with the dramas Signal, One Dollar Lawyer, and Hot Stove League. His big break came with the independent film Bleak Night in 2011. Move to Heaven, which came out in 2021 and is one of his most recent dramas, has the highest rating on MyDramaList right now.
Jang Sung Chul and Ahn Go Eun will be played again by Kim Eui Sung and Pyo Ye Jin, respectively. The first one is an actor who has won awards and been in big hits like “Train to Busan” and “Rampant.” In Arthdal Chronicles, he played the part of San Woong Niruha, and in Memories of Alhambra, he played the part of Cha Byung Jun. On the other hand, Pyo Ye Jin is a talented actress who can play many different roles. She was the main character in the drama Fight for My Way and Love Returns, for which she was nominated for the KBS Drama Awards’ Best Actress award. Hotel Del Luna, What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim, V.I.P., and Lovestruck in the City are some of her best-known roles.
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