Brain Works Episode 1 Highlights and Recap

K Drama, Review

Brain Works Episode 1 Highlights and Recap: The Neuroscientific Investigation Team Takes on a Murder Case!


Brain Works Episode 1 Highlights and Recap: Brain Cooperation starts with a crowd cheering for Jae-won as he plays guitar on stage with his band in Episode 1. Everyone is excited and having a good time at the concert. At the edge of the stage, a woman looks at him and then presses a button on her phone. Kim Jae-won trips and falls, which stops the event. His doctor runs onto the stage and tells everyone that he is dead. His wife runs to his body and starts crying that she killed him.

People can be heard ordering food and drinks in what we think is a local restaurant. Geum Myung-Se is drinking a beer when he gets a call from his ex-wife, Yi-mother. She needs his help. When he gets there, he finds Kim Mo-ran in a hot soup. This is because her boyfriend caught her with another man. She might have a brain that is too sexual.

Currently, you are able to watch “Brain Works – Season 1” streaming on Rakuten Viki, Kocowa, or for free with ads on Kocowa.

Brain Works Episode 1 Highlights

  • In the first scene of Episode 1, a musician named Jae-won passes out on stage during a show.
  • Myung-Se, who used to be a detective and has a very smart brain, is asked to look into a murder.
  • The case is handled by the Neuroscientific Investigation Team (NIT) of the Seobu police station.
  • Kim Jae-won wanted to die while playing the guitar because he had Parkinson’s disease.
  • Myung-Se, So-Jung, and Ha-ru, a neuroscientist, work together to uncover the truth behind death.
  • Ha-ru sneaks the brain of a psychopath, Kang Sung-ha, to the autopsy lab to study it.
  • The consent form for the brain donation was fake and only for Ha-ru’s use.
  • Ha-ru intends to rebuild the psychopath’s brain to make it even eviler.
  • The autopsy report shows that the DBS electrodes burned, pointing to the wife being the killer.

Brain works episode 1 Recap

The Neuroscientific Investigation Team Takes on a Murder Case

Captain So-Jung calls Myung-Se, who is known to have a brain that is good at helping people, to look into a murder case. Myung-Se is a great Sergeant on the Neuroscientific Investigation Team, and we need his help a lot. Since he studied science, he is a good fit for this job. At the Seobu Police Station, reporters can’t wait to talk to Ms. Jung about why she killed her husband, Kim Jae-won.

Brain Works Episode 1 Highlights and Recap

The Chief of the Subsection offers to answer questions from the press, which wants to know if Kim Jae-won died of a brain hemorrhage or was killed. He tells the media that in Korean history, the Seobu police station has made a special group called the Neuroscientific Investigation Team (NIT) to handle all cases caused by brain diseases.

The Chief wants So-Jung and Myung-Se to show why police need NIT in a smart way. So-Jung Jung is the leader of the NIT, and he has a quiet mind. Even though Myung-Se and So-Jung don’t feel ready for this job, Chief doesn’t let them back out.

Jung tells NIT that even though Kim Jae-won was young, he had Parkinson’s disease. The doctor said that the musician’s illness was getting worse, so he had to stop playing music. Kim even had surgery to make her brain work better. Kim could go back to his normal life after his surgery went well. But it got hard for the talented musician to play the guitar, even though it was everything to him.

So-Jung, Myung-Se, and Ha-ru’s Journey to Uncover the Truth

Kim Jae told Jung right before his concert, “Kill me when I’m shining brightest on stage.” He always wanted to pass away while playing the guitar. His brilliant idea was to use a high-frequency bracelet that people with his brain condition were not allowed to wear. Jung was to use an app to turn on the light while Jae-won was on stage.

Captain So-Jung and Sergeant Myung-Se decide to do more experiments at a Brain Hub in the Korean University Hospital. Shin Ha-Ru, a great neuroscientist, is the reason why The Hub is well-known. His brain-computer interface technology makes it possible for robots to move just by thinking. With just one phone call, Ha-ru agrees to help the NIT department figure out who killed the celebrity.

Ha-ru has gone to the prison to see Kang Sung-ha, whom he calls his “treasure.” Ha-ru gets Sung-ha to sign a consent form for brain donation after death by giving him a fake medical report. But Ha-ru and Sung-ha get into a fight, and Kang throws away the consent form. Ha-ru is a very smart person.

Kang Sung Ha’s brain needs to kill, and killing gives him a reason to keep living. Being locked up alone means that he can only kill himself, which he did. Ha-ru thinks that a person’s brain type can be used to figure out what will happen in the future. The donation of Sung-brain ha’s will help scientists figure out what makes a psychopath do bad things.

The Case of the Burned Electrodes

Dr. Ha-ru, being as clever as he is, sneaks Sung-body ha’s to the autopsy lab to take his brain. At first glance, the consent form for brain donation was only for Dr. Ha-ru and not for the Hub. What a brilliant and clever plan!

But the consent form was fake because Sung-ha had swallowed it back in prison. Fake money is a crime! The only proof that detective Myung-Se has that Ha-ru faked the form is what he heard. But can this be brought up in court?

Brain Works Episode 1 Highlights and Recap

Dr. Ha-ru says he found the brain of the psychopath, so he wants to study it himself. This is the start of his project to rebuild his brain in a way that makes him eviler.

Myung-Se comes home drunk and tells his daughter Myung-Se Yi Na to be careful with the guy she’s dating. But Yi Na, who is only a teenager, is adamant that her father should let her be.

Even though Captain So-Jung is shy, she tells her boss everything she needs to know about Kim Jae-case. won’s The autopsy report says that the DBS electrodes burned, which caused bleeding in the brain. So, this points to the wife being the killer.

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Neuroscientist Faked Consent Forms and Took Brains without Permission

A story going around says that a “well-known neuroscientist” faked a brain donation consent form and took the brain without the person’s permission. Detective Myung-Se told reporter Moon Yong-jun about the forgery while he was drunk.

Because this is controversial, Director Park wants Dr. Ha-ru to give up the consent form. Even if the donor is the most wanted criminal, forgery is a very bad moral choice. Ha-ru has to face a committee of punishment and say sorry for hurting the Hub’s reputation. But he explains why he did that in a way that is both convincing and impressive.

The Brain Hub has been successful because it goes against moral rules. Even though he is smart, the committee decides to suspend him, which he thinks is too harsh. Dr. Haru did something wrong, but he did it with good intentions. Even though it might be a new start, he has always wanted to stay in his country.

When Ha-ru joins NIT to work with Myung-Se, it’s a big surprise. We’re excited to see what these main characters will bring to the show.

Final Words

Brain Cooperation starts with a musician named Jae-won passing out on stage during a show. His doctor tells everyone that he is dead, and his wife runs to his body crying that she killed him. Geum Myung-Se is asked to look into a murder case by the Neuroscientific Investigation Team (NIT) of the Seobu police station. Ha-ru, a neuroscientist, sneaks the brain of a psychopath, Kang Sung-ha, to the autopsy lab to study it. The autopsy report shows that the DBS electrodes burned, pointing to the wife being the killer.

The Chief of the Subsection offers to answer questions from the press about whether Kim Jae-won died of a brain hemorrhage or was killed. The Seobu police station has created the Neuroscientific Investigation Team (NIT) to handle all cases caused by brain diseases.

So-Jung Jung is the leader of the NIT, and he has a quiet mind. He uses a high-frequency bracelet to turn on the light while Jae-won was on stage, and he and Sergeant Myung-Se decide to do more experiments at a Brain Hub in the Korean University Hospital. Shin Ha-Ru, a great neuroscientist, agrees to help the NIT department figure out who killed the celebrity.

Ha-ru gets Sung-ha to sign a consent form for brain donation after death, but Kang throws away the consent form. Kang Sung Ha’s brain needs to kill to keep living, so Dr.

Ha-ru sneaks his brain to the autopsy lab to donate it to the Hub. However, the consent form for brain donation is fake because Sung-ha had swallowed it back in prison. Detective Myung-Se has no proof that Ha-ru faked the form, but can this be brought up in court? Ha-ru then starts his project to rebuild his brain in a way that makes him eviler.

Yi Na is adamant that her father should let her be, Captain So-Jung is shy, and Dr. Ha-ru faked a brain donation consent form and took the brain without the person’s permission. Director Park wants Ha-ru to give up the consent form, but he explains why he did it in a way that is both convincing and impressive. The Brain Hub has been successful, but the committee decides to suspend Ha-ru, which he thinks is too harsh. When Ha-ru joins NIT to work with Myung-Se, it is a big surprise.

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