Who Plays Koel Kalra in "Class"? How Did Naina Bhana Feel About Her Role in "Class"?


Who Plays Koel Kalra in “Class”? How Did Naina Bhana Feel About Her Role in “Class”?


Class’s Koel Kalea, played by Naina Bhan, discusses her part and how the show handled intimacy.

Class, The Elite’s Hindi adaption on Netflix, has been a huge hit. The program has been trending on the site and earning acclaim from fans since its premiere earlier this month.

The program, which focuses on the lives and controversies of wealthy, high-society schoolchildren in Delhi, is Naina Bhan’s television debut.

In an exclusive interview with DNA, Naina discusses her role as Koel Kala, how she earned the part, and the difficulties of shooting personal scenes.

Naina says, in reference to the response to the play and the praise for her role:

“It’s one of the most nerve-wracking things to put yourself out there and it’s a huge responsibility to make the people you care for proud. Everyone is just showering so much love that it is unreal. I am pinching myself.”

How Did Naina Bhana Feel About Her Role in “Class”?

Being a south Delhi girl’ herself, Naina says she has always been drawn to the character, which is why she applied for it amid very odd circumstances during the first lockdown.

Who plays Koel Kalra in "Class"? How did Naina Bhana feel about her role in "Class"?

“One day, an audition was randomly submitted to my agency, and I was excited to try out for it. I am a girl from south Delhi, and if I cannot play this music, I would be unable to achieve anything.

On my birthday, during the first lockdown, I auditioned in my bathroom, which was the only quiet spot in my house. Months later, they informed me that I had passed and that I needed to come to Mumbai. “I initially believed it was all a joke since everything sounded too wonderful to be true,” she says.

Class shows the scandalous and immoral lives of Delhi’s elite teenagers, filled with drugs, sex, and criminality. Several critics have suggested that the show is unrealistic, but Naina disagrees.

“It closely resembles reality. I had a typical middle-class background, but I knew all of these folks through a chain of six degrees of separation. Although I am not them, I have seen them. “Maybe that is why I was able to rapidly enter Koel’s mind,” she explains.

Who Plays Koel Kalra in “Class”?

What was Naina Bhana’s role in “Class”?: In Class, Koel Kalra, played by Naina, is romantically linked with two males, and the show shows the closeness between all three characters.

Who plays Koel Kalra in "Class"? How did Naina Bhana feel about her role in "Class"?

The actress claims that it did not discourage her because closeness was a crucial element of the play. She continues, “Maybe it’s my naiveté, but I detest it when others place me in a box.

Considering the nature of Koel and the nature of this concert, intimacy was the last thing on my mind. It’s a dream role since it explores the bizarre aspects of people’s lives and psyches.

That was a wonderful opportunity. I wouldn’t pursue closeness for its own sake. Nonetheless, in this case, it is important to the character’s arc. There is an element of purpose to it. It makes no sense to do anything merely for the joy of it.”

How Does Ashim Ahluwalia (Director) Help Naina Perform Her Role in “Class”?

Nonetheless, Naina acknowledges that she was anxious prior to film the sequences, but having an intimacy coordinator on site helped her. “

When it comes to intimacy, any average individual would feel nervous. On set, though, there was an intimacy director, which made things simpler.

Then it was a Netflix show, and I had confidence in the director, Ashim Ahluwalia, therefore I had faith in them,” she says. She says that the greatest success of the program is that more people are discussing the plot than the intimacy or few scenes.

“I particularly loved that the personal situations are filmed with a fairly objective perspective. I don’t believe they intended to objectify any of the characters. “That was the concern, but so far the feedback has been favorable,” she says.

Wrapping Up

I hope you get all the information about “Who Plays Koel Kalra in “Class”? How Did Naina Bhana Feel About Her Role in “Class”?

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