“Six Feet Under,” a critically acclaimed American television series created by Alan Ball, is known for its exploration of the complex and often dark intricacies of life, death, and the human experience. The show revolves around the lives of the Fisher family, who run a funeral home.
Throughout its five-season run, the series takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster, delving deep into the lives of its characters. One character whose fate has left a lasting impact on the show’s fans is Lisa Kimmel Fisher, portrayed by actress Lili Taylor. Her story arc in the series is tragic and enigmatic, filled with unexpected happenings and unanswered questions.
Nate and Lisa’s Relationship
Nate’s connection with the character Lisa ends tragically when she goes missing and is later found murdered. Her disappearance is a crucial story point in the show’s third and fourth seasons. We’re going to go into what happens to her here, so beware of spoilers.
In Six Feet Under, Nate and Lisa had an on-again, off-again relationship—they had a friends-with-benefits situation while Nate was in Seattle and they were housemates—and their romance became more serious later on. When Nate returns to Los Angeles, he appears to forget Lisa and moves on to Brenda, with whom he falls in love.
In the second season, following one of Nate and Brenda’s breakups, he and Claire head to Seattle for a trip together, where Nate reconnects with Lisa. Nate is in a poor way after discovering his heart problem and then having an attack in Seattle. He seeks emotional support from Lisa, and the two end up sleeping together.
Did Lisa and Nate Have Kids?
Nate and Claire return to Los Angeles and resume their lives after their trip to Seattle. Nate meets Lisa at a supermarket store in Los Angeles one day and discovers she’s pregnant with his child. It’s implied that Nate had previously impregnated Lisa, and she had an abortion, but she chose to keep this one. Meanwhile, Nate and Brenda are attempting to sort things out, and Nate chooses to reveal Lisa’s pregnancy.
Lisa gives birth to a girl called Maya, and we learn in the season 3 opener that Lisa and Nate are married. Their relationship, however, is far from perfect, as the two continue to quarrel. Lisa clearly has deeper affection for Nate than Nate does for her, which is unfortunate. Lisa irritates Nate, and I’m not sure why he marries her when he plainly still loves Brenda.
Nate and Lisa’s relationship deteriorates to the point where they consider splitting up. Lisa chooses to go on a trip without Nate to visit her sister in order to give them some distance, but she never returns.
What Happened to Lisa?
Nate begins to panic at home with Maya because Lisa is nowhere to be found. Lisa’s situation is becoming increasingly uncertain as time passes. Sadly, the season 3 conclusion reveals that the authorities discovered Lisa’s death on a beach in California. Nate goes to a bar after hearing the news and begins drinking, which leads to a confrontation with one of the other patrons. Nate gets badly beaten and drives to Brenda’s for solace, despite the fact that they are not together.
Six Feet Under’s fourth season is undoubtedly challenging for Nate as he tries to grieve and find closure without knowing what happened to Lisa. He also has disagreements with her family about her funeral arrangements, since they want her cremated, but Nate knows she prefers a natural burial. He eventually decides to deceive her family by delivering them the ashes of another person and pretending they are Lisa’s. Later in the season, however, Lisa’s sister Barb confronts him about the false ashes, and he confesses.
Finally, in the season 4 conclusion, we learn how Lisa may have died. Nate goes to speak with Michaela about something after handing David a book that Barb and her husband Hoyt wanted him to have. He wants to know where the photo of Lisa came from and why she included it in the book. Michaela encourages Nate to talk with her father about a series of unsolved questions. Nate sees this as a clear red flag and goes to visit Hoyt in his office.
Nate discovers during his talk with Hoyt that Hoyt was with Lisa on the beach the day she died. Hoyt admits to having an affair with Lisa, adding that he used to drive there surreptitiously to meet with her. Though he claims he was not unhappy with her that day and implies she may have committed suicide, Hoyt also adds something very suspicious: “I couldn’t let her tell Barb.” He also claims Lisa wanted to end things. All of this suggests to Nate that he may have killed her, and what occurs next strongly suggests it.
Barb is standing in the corridor, listening in on the talk, and her sobs interrupt Hoyt and Nate’s. Hoyt continues to cry before pulling a revolver from his desk and shooting and killing himself. Six Feet Under has a very sad ending to a very terrible mystery, a tragedy that neither Lisa nor her loved ones deserve.
Nate then goes to meet Brenda and proposes marriage to her. Nate, as we’ve seen on the show, struggles to manage his feelings and relies heavily on the romantic adoration of others. Instead of fully grieving Lisa, I believe he conceals his anguish with other people like he is doing here with Brenda. He has a hard time being alone, which I completely understand, but his actions are sometimes misplaced.
Many fans have complained that the resolution to the Lisa mystery was rushed, and I kind of agree. It feels a little out of place for Hoyt to be the one who (apparently) killed her, though it’s definitely a twist I didn’t see coming when I first started watching the program.
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According to Mental Floss, actor Lili Taylor, who played Lisa, was unaware of the tragic surprise until “the third episode from when it happened.” This makes me question how far ahead of time the writers thought of the idea since Taylor mentions avoiding leaks as a possible reason why she wasn’t told.
Six Feet Under has numerous dramatic moments, including Lisa’s death and the season 4 conclusion. Are you prepared to cry and experience all of the emotions? The entire series is currently available on Netflix.