Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, a hit comedy from the late 1990s starring Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino, is currently receiving a lot of attention, and there are rumors floating about that there may be another Romy and Michele film in the future. But after all these years, is it still possible that there will be? This is everything that we currently know about the second part of Romy and Michele’s story. Continue to scroll down.
A sequel to Romy and Michele is currently in production!
Since the release of Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion in theaters back in 1997, it has been close to 25 years. Since the original movie’s debut, fans of the cult film have been anticipating the arrival of a follow-up installment with great anticipation. But will there be another installment of Romy and Michele?
We have some really exciting news to share with you! During an interview on The Jess Cagle Show, which airs on SiriusXM, Lisa Kudrow revealed that the director of the original film, Robin Schiff, is currently at work on a follow-up to Romy and Michele. It would appear that Kudrow has already been given a role in the next sequel.
In addition, during an interview on Today with Hoda & Jenna, her co-star Mira Sorvino stated, “I can informally indicate that we’re closer than ever to getting something done.” It has come to our attention that Sorvino will also play a role in the upcoming Romy and Michele sequel.
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A Review of Romy and Michele
According to movieweb, while you wait for the second installment of Romy and Michele, here is a quick rundown of everything that occurred in the first movie. At the start of the movie, Romy is employed by a Jaguar dealership where she works as a cashier in the service department.
There, she runs into her old friend Heather from high school, and Heather tells her about the high school reunion that will be held in Tucson, Arizona, 10 years later. Despite the fact that Romy and her best friend Michele, with whom she has shared an apartment in Los Angeles for the past 10 years, were not invited to the party, the two of them decided to attend anyway.
Nevertheless, they are both aware that their lives have not gone as planned since they from high school: Romy is employed as a cashier, Michele is without a job, and neither of them is in a relationship with another man. As a result, they come to the conclusion that they need to pull themselves together and make the following plans: they will lose weight, make affluent friends in two weeks, and Michele will find a nice job.
Despite the fact that athletics are not at all their thing, the two pals spend time together in the gym. They consume an unhealthy amount of fast food and are completely addicted to it. In addition to this, they don’t appear to have the slightest idea what they’re doing when it comes to physical activity because they run on the treadmill while wearing high heels.
At the meantime, Michele is searching for work as a saleswoman in the stores of well-known clothing brands, and Romy is searching for affluent partners for herself in nightclubs. Both women are looking for work. However, neither of them winds up being successful. They are unsuccessful in their efforts to lose weight, in making new acquaintances, and in locating a good job for Michele.
Romy gets the idea when she is flicking through Vogue that they should behave as though they are businesswomen rather than actually becoming one because it is evident that they will not be able to become one in the next two weeks. As a result, Romy borrows a vehicle from the man who works in the maintenance department at her place of employment, Michele joins her as she gets dressed, and the three of them leave for Tucson.
In the meantime, they come up with the bright idea of telling everyone at the party that they are business owners and the inventors of Post-its. As soon as they get to the party, however, they begin to argue over who is the more intelligent and attractive of the two of them, and as a result, they decide to part ways.
Shortly after that, we find Michele and Romy at the party, where they are spreading the false rumor that they were the ones who came up with the idea for the Post-its. While Michele is hanging out with Sandy, who was enamored with Michele in high school and has grown immensely wealthy in the ten years since then, Romy runs into her high school sweetheart Billy, who all of a sudden finds herself attracted to her.
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When everything seems to be going exceptionally well for the two females, we find Michele dozing off in the car, and we later learn that it was all a dream on her part.
In contrast to Michele’s dream, however, the way things actually play out isn’t nearly as ideal as they were in the dream. Both she and Michele attend the party in separate groups and spread the false information that they were the ones who invented the Post-its.
Heather, however, discloses the truth about who came up with the idea for Post-it notes and puts an end to their lying. Also, Romy learns that Billy married Christie, his high school girlfriend and the person who bullied both she and Michele at the time.
Christie was Billy’s wife. Once more, the BFFs are the targets of bullying, and everyone makes fun of them because they lied. On the other hand, Michele and Romy come to terms with their differences and decide to appear as they are.
As a result, the two of them appear once more, but this time they are dressed in their fancy attire rather than wearing black suits. In the meantime, Sandy arrives at the party in a helicopter and lands on the ground. As depicted in Michele’s dream, he has amassed an incredible fortune and continues to remain fixated on her. After mending their differences, Romy, Michele, and Sandy give a dance performance that will forever be remembered in the annals of film history.
The revelation that Billy isn’t content with Christie and is planning to have an affair with Romy follows shortly after. On the other hand, Romy comes to the conclusion that the best way to get her revenge on him is to accept his offer and force him to wait inside the room. in compensation for the fact that he kept her waiting at the prom, despite the fact that he agreed to dance with her.
Soon after that, Romy and Michele get on board Sandy’s helicopter so that they can travel back to Los Angeles with him.
After a wait of half a year, Romy and Michele have finally launched their own clothes line. They give off the impression of being very content with both themselves and their lives.
What is it about Romy and Michele that makes them so popular?
The fact that the film Romy and Michele is about being yourself and being okay with that gives it a lot of appeal among audiences. In spite of the fact that Romy and Michele first make an effort to conceal their identities and the ways in which they live, in the end they are successful in doing so, despite the fact that this exposes them to the possibility of being mocked. In addition to that, they have the guts to admit that they were wrong and that they lied. Because of this, the movie has gained cult status as a well-known example of self-acceptance and self-realization.