The Innocent, a mystery-thriller miniseries that aired on Spanish television and was created by Oriol Paulo, was adapted from a book written by Harlan Coben with the same name. Mario Casas, Alexandra Jiménez, Aura Garrido, and José Coronado are the show’s primary actors. On April 30, 2021, Netflix made it available.
During a fight in a nightclub, Mat unintentionally takes the life of a young man named Dani. This leads to a disastrous chain of events. Mat is released from prison after serving his term of four years and is now working to reconstruct his life. In addition to that, he accomplishes his tasks in a satisfactory manner.
Soon after that, he starts a new relationship with a woman named Olivia, and the two of them have big plans for the future together. Unfortunately, the past has a peculiar way of unexpectedly surprising you, and Mat will soon start having flashbacks. Even worse, Olivia does not return from her work trip to Berlin after becoming missing.
The Innocent receives acclaim from both critics and audiences alike, and it goes on to become one of the most successful and well-known television programs in Spain (El Dragon). On IMDB, the show has received a rating of 7.9 out of 10, while on Rotten Tomatoes, it has received a rating of 100% critic approval and an average audience rating of 87%. That is really mind blowing.
The Innocent Season 2 Release Date
The novel The Innocent takes place in Spain and investigates a murder case from a variety of perspectives. The protagonist of this television show is a lawyer named Mateo Vidal, who is depicted as having accidentally caused the death of another individual when intervening in a brawl in a nightclub. After that, he is sentenced to serve a prison term of four years. After being freed from prison, he meets the victim’s mother, Sonia, in private and pretends to be her dead son in order to cheer her up. That is, until Mateo’s girlfriend Olivia goes missing, which pulls the murky pasts of everyone involved into the light.
If Netflix decides to keep the show going, the second season of “The Innocent” won’t likely launch until at least the spring of 2022. On average, each new season of a Netflix original series will become available on the streaming platform approximately once a year. Because of the pandemic, the gap between the two groups has gotten a little bit bigger.
Because of this, and on the assumption that a second season of The Innocent will be produced, we anticipate that it will premiere on Netflix in the spring or summer of 2022.
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The Innocent Season 2: Are there Any Links Between the Episodes of The Innocent?
Due to the fact that this series is so focused on its characters, the first two episodes almost give the impression that they belong to a distinct show. Close! At the end of episode 2, the narrative ties up with the scene that took place at the end of episode 1. If you become addicted to this series, you will likely need to watch it all in one sitting because each episode often ends on a cliffhanger. If you like the stories that Harlan Coben writes, then you most likely will.
Mario Casas, who plays Mateo “Mat” Vidal, the main character, pulls in a really impressive performance as his role. In addition, despite the fact that he is typically in terrific shape, he has put on some extra muscle for the role of The Innocent. Because of the direct impact it has on the story, we can be certain that this was done on purpose.
The Innocents is a miniseries consisting of eight episodes, and Mario Casas is the only performer who has any significant role. The second episode focuses mostly on the character of Lorena Ortiz, played by Alexandra Jiménez. She describes this episode in a manner quite comparable to how Mario Casas narrates the first episode. The story is told from a third person’s perspective in this episode.
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The Innocent Season 2: Is it Worthwhile to Sit Through The Innocent?
A number of books written by Harlan Coben were selected by Netflix for adaptation a few years ago. We did not foresee that the transaction would lead to changes being made in a number of other countries. The most current adaptation of Coben’s work, titled The Innocent, moves the setting of the story from the United States to Spain without changing any of the elements of the plot that contributed to the book’s initial success 16 years ago.
Similar to the most of the adaptations of Harlan Coben that we have seen on Netflix, like The Stranger, The Woods, and Safe, The Innocent takes its time to reveal its mystery, making the experience feel nearly excruciating at times. It’s not so much about who did what as it is about who knew what and what the main character’s friends and loved ones are keeping from him that’s the actual mystery.
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We are hesitantly recommending The Innocent as a result of the strong performances by the cast as well as the fact that the writers avoided adhering to the cliches of the genre. However, we are having difficulty unraveling this riddle, which is a challenge for us.