The ongoing drama-thriller series Little Birds is based on the horrific concept of being taken from your family and adopted by a white family. The Little Bird series, directed by Zoe Leigh Hopkins and Elle Maika Tailfeathers, explores the Canadian “scoop” of the 1960s, which authorized the country’s welfare authorities to remove children from indigenous homes and place them with white adoptive parents.
Adopted children’s trauma, misery, and suffering were all depicted in Little Bird, along with the parents’ anguish about permanently losing their children. The charming plot of Little Birds was written by Darell Dennis and Shannon Masters, with the help of the talented creative team of Jenifer Podemski and Hannah Moscovitch.
For those who are curious about the impact of a particular policy on millions of people across the country, the mockumentary style of Little Birds is highly recommended.
Little Bird Episode 2 Release Date
The second episode of Little Bird will premiere on CraveTV and APTN Lumi at 4:00 a.m. [E.T.] on June 2, 2023. The runtime of each episode of the Little Bird miniseries is between 45 and 50 minutes.
Time Zone | Date | Time | Day |
Pacific Standard Time (P.S.T.) | June 2, 2023 | 1:00 A.M. | Friday |
Indian Standard Time (I.S.T.) | June 2, 2023 | 1:30 P.M. | Friday |
Australian Central Time (A.C.T.) | June 2, 2023 | 6:00 P.M. | Friday |
Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) | June 2, 2023 | 8:00 A.M. | Friday |
Korean Standard Time (K.S.T.) | June 2, 2023 | 5:00 P.M. | Friday |
Little Bird Episode 1 Recap
Bezhig Little Bird, the protagonist, is a small girl who grows up to be a great woman whose life begins to unravel as she learns the truth about her adoption. Bezhig and her sister were taken from their family as children during the 1960s “scoop,” a period in which Canadian welfare authorities unlawfully removed indigenous children from their homes.
Bezig’s childhood was spent hiding under the alias Esther Rosenberg. Bezig begins to long for the part of her life she was forced to give up when she was adopted by a white Jewish family. Rosenberg travels to the Canadian prairies in search of herself and the pieces of her life she has been missing.
Rosenberg learns upon arrival on the Canadian prairies that she was among the select few children whose families had taken advantage of the Canadian scoop to abduct them. The first episode of Little Bird follows a young Bezhig and her brothers as they are taken from their home in the field by the government. As Bezhig searches for her biological family, the truth about her adoption begins to emerge.
If you can’t wait for the premiere of Little Bird Episode 2, there are many other shows in a similar vein to hold you through. These shows include Esaret Episode 125, Esaret Episode 124, and more.
Bezhig is willing to give up anything to get the truth about why she was separated from her family. The narrative alternates between Little Bird’s childhood and her adulthood engagement as Esther Rosenblum. The gathering brings back painful childhood memories for her, and she is finally forced to look at reality squarely in the face.
Where to Watch Season 2 of Little Bird Online?
The second episode of Little Bird will be available to stream on CraveTV and APTN Lumi for $20 per month.
The network plans to release the six episodes on a weekly basis, with fresh episodes debuting on Fridays. Some areas do not have access to CraveTV or APTN Lumi. As a result, they might have to resort to using VPNs in order to watch the shows.
Little Bird explores the Canadian “scoop” of the 1960s, depicting the trauma, misery, and suffering of adopted children and their parents. Little Bird follows a young Bezhig and her siblings as they are taken from their home by the government, revealing the truth about her adoption.
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