“Bad Sisters” debuted with a bang, enthralling spectators with its intriguing plot and stellar performances by the cast. The show covers the lives of three sisters, each of whom has her own set of secrets and skeletons in her closet. As the season progressed, it tackled themes like family, betrayal, love, and retribution, leaving fans wanting more.
Fans of riveting drama series have been anticipating the debut of “Bad Sisters” Season 2 with bated breath. With its engaging storyline and compelling characters, the first season kept fans on the edge of their seats. As the excitement rises, let’s take a look at everything we know about the forthcoming season and the rumors surrounding its release date.
When Will Bad Sisters Season 2 Be Released?
We don’t know when Bad Sisters season 2 will be released. However, according to Sportskeeda, it will most likely be released in early 2024.
The next part is definitely coming – Bad Sisters season 2 was announced in November 2022, and Sharon Horgan said it was fully written in May 2023. Filming was set to begin in September 2023, thanks to a local contract with Apple rather than a WGA-governed pact, which meant it was unaffected by the 2023 Writers Strike.
Given that the first season began filming in 2021 and was released in August 2022, we anticipate that the second season will follow suit, with a spring or summer release date the following year.
Who Will Be in the Cast of Bad Sisters Season 2?
Sharon Horgan and the rest of the Garvey sisters will almost probably return in Bad Sisters season 2.
Horgan has confirmed that the first season’s tale will be continued, saying [via GQ] “I was interested in what would happen to these women next.” And we’ll figure it out.” So it appears that we will be revisiting the Garvey sisters.
This means that Sharon Horgan will return as Eva, as will Anne-Marie Duff, Sarah Greene, Eva Birthistle, and Eve Hewson as Eva’s sisters. But among the returning celebs, there is one face we do not expect to see again.
Here’s the list of expected cast members in Bad Sisters season 2:
- Sharon Horgan as Eva Garvey
- Anne-Marie Duff as Grace Williams
- Eva Birthistle as Ursula Flynn
- Sarah Greene as Bibi Garvey
- Michael Smiley as Roger Muldoon
- Brian Gleeson as Thomas Claffin
- Eve Hewson as Becka Garvey
What Will Happen in Bad Sisters Season 2?
Season 2 of Bad Sisters will explore the aftermath of John’s death and what happens to the sisters as they try to put on a united front.
Killing someone isn’t something most people get over, and despite the fact that we were only supposed to have one season, Horgan was too interested in watching where these characters went next. “Normally, you don’t kill a man and get away with it,” she stated [via Variety]. There is also collateral damage – there is blowback.”
“Emotionally, I was interested in what would happen to these sisters and how it would affect them.” “Once I figured out how I was going to get in, I thought, ‘Well, that could work.'”
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Nobody knows what shape this will all take. Grief, trauma, acting out, or a combination of the three? Could there be more casualties? We wouldn’t rule it out for anyone on the show. Stay tuned for more information.
Is there a Trailer for Bad Sisters Season 2?
Sorry to disappoint all of you Bad Sisters lovers, but there hasn’t been a trailer for season 2 yet. For now, you can watch the trailer for season 1 below:
Frequently Asked Questions
Where Can I Watch Bad Sisters?
The first season of Bad Sisters is available on the streaming service Apple TV Plus – lovely and simple!
How Many Episodes Will Bad Sisters Season 2 Have?
There is no definitive confirmation on the number of episodes in Bad Sisters season 2, but we anticipate ten.
Is Season 2 of Bad Sisters Confirmed?
Unlike other streaming shows that sit in limbo for months between seasons, news about Bad Sisters’ renewal status arrived immediately from Apple TV Plus.