For almost a decade, Disney’s Star Wars brand altered George Lucas’ original idea. These modifications have included improvements to the galactic saga universe’s people, narratives, and themes.
In recent years, there has been a drive to increase the franchise’s diversity and representation, including conversations concerning the possibility of LGBTQ+ character representation.
On Wookieepedia, adding preferred pronouns to all Star Wars characters has recently sparked debate. Some believed that this was unneeded and against the spirit of the original space opera. Others see it as a significant step toward a universe that is more inclusive and varied.
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Is Luke Skywalker Gay?
No, Luke Skywalker was never supposed to be Gay, bisexual, or a member of the LGBTQ+ community and this portrayal is an example of current identity politics imposed on the universe.
Luke Skywalker Discussion About LGBTQ+ Community
Luke Skywalker is a figure that has been the subject of LGBTQ+ representation issues. In June 2022, a brief narrative about Luke Skywalker’s attraction to a man was published in Stories of the Jedi and Sith. This narrative is now canon inside Disney’s Star Wars universe.
When your Padawan has been sat in a queue for too long. #SWCE #StarPawsTheEmpurrStrikesBack
— Luke Skywalker (@lukeskywalker) July 17, 2016
Luke Skywalker becoming a member of the LGBTQ+ community is a big shift from George Lucas’s original concept for the character and the galaxy saga world, thus not everyone is on board with the idea.
They claim that Skywalker was never supposed to be Gay, bisexual, or a member of the LGBTQ+ community and that this portrayal is an example of current identity politics imposed on the universe.
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Others, however, think that such a depiction is necessary for the creation of a world that is more inclusive and varied. As part of her quest to promote LGBTQ+ visibility in the media, Disney’s Star Wars writer Sam Maggs publicly acknowledges adding queer characters in her work.
He is a new icon for the LGBTQ+ community
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Creating new symbols for the LGBTQ+ community is preferable to alter the existing ones for several reasons. First, it enables the construction of distinct and varied LGBTQ+ community representations.
This can boost the community’s visibility and representation, and provide its members with greater opportunity to see themselves in the media and culture. Creating new icons might also assist avoid the controversy and outrage associated with altering old figures.
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Rather than attempting to retrospectively impose an identity on a character that was not initially intended to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it is more authentic to create new LGBTQ+ characters from scratch.
Final Words
Adding LGBTQ+ representation to the Star Wars world by altering original characters is a divisive topic that evokes strong feelings from fans. Some feel this representation is vital to create a universe that is more inclusive and varied, while others say it goes against the franchise’s original intent.
It is crucial to remember that Star Wars is for everyone, regardless of one’s view on the topic. It is a series that fans of different ages, ethnicities, and beliefs have adored for decades.
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