Between Us Episode 9 Release Date

BL, BL Series

Between Us Episode 9 Release Date Confirmed: How Long Are the Episodes of Between Us?


Between Us Episode 9 Release Date Confirmed: Episode 9 of the popular Thai Bl show Between Us will air soon. Find out when, where, and how to watch the episode with English subtitles.

The team was having trouble remembering his chapters and had eaten all of his snacks in the last episode. Win shows up at the right time and also brings his favorite chips. If you’ve been watching the Thai drama Between Us and can’t wait for the ninth episode, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about the next episode, including how to watch it online.

Between Us Thai BL Drama Series Episode 9 Release Date

The world will be able to watch Episode 9 of Between Us on Sunday, January 8 at 11:45 p.m. Thailand Time. (12:45 pm ET/PT).

You can expect there to be 16 episodes in one season. Between Us will have 45 to 50 minutes for each episode. Also, episodes will come out with subtitles.

Between Us Episode 9 Release Date

Fans of the popular love drama Between Us can’t wait for the ninth episode to come out. Fans were excited to see what would happen next because the last episode was so dramatic and sad. The TV show is about James and Lina, two young people who are growing up and trying to figure out how to handle their complicated relationship. There have been episodes about family relationships, love, and betrayal.

The show has been praised for how well and honestly it shows how young adults interact with each other. Fans of the show can’t wait for new episodes to come out, which has made it a fan favorite. The ninth episode of Between Us is set to air on January 8, 2023. In this episode, Lina and James will have to deal with the effects of what happened in the last episode.

As the two try to figure out what’s going on and move forward with their relationship, the episode will be full of feelings. Fans can expect a lot of emotional moments, hard decisions, and unexpected turns. When the second half of the season of the show starts, viewers can expect a wild ride.

Where Can I Watch the Series Between Us?

People from Thailand and all over the world can watch Among Us on the YouTube channel Studio Wabi Sabi. Episodes will be uploaded in four parts, which is how BL series are usually done on the channel. With a paid membership, users of the international streaming service IQIYI can see the attacks. The IQIYI episode will be longer than the YouTube episode because the NC (18+) sections are included in their full, uncut form.

How Many Episodes Will Between Us Have?

Between Us Episode 9 Release Date

Between Us: The Series will have 16 episodes, with one episode airing every Sunday. After this one, there are still ten more episodes. Over the past few episodes, Win and Team have tried to get closer to each other.

They have a close relationship, but now that Win knows about Team’s traumas, he urges the Team to move on. Because he cares about other people, Win thinks he has to look out for Team as they move from being friends with benefits to a couple.

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How Long Are the Episodes of Between Us?

You can expect there to be 16 episodes in one season. Between Us will have 45 to 50 minutes for each episode.

Final Words

Episode 9 of the popular Thai Bl show Between Us will air soon. Find out when, where, and how to watch the episode with English subtitles. The TV show is about James and Lina, two young people growing up and trying to handle their relationship. The ninth episode of Between Us is set to air on January 8, 2023. Lina and James will have to deal with the effects of what happened in the last episode. Fans can expect a lot of emotional moments, hard decisions, and unexpected turns.

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